Network Enumeration

With the range of well-known ports 1 to 1,023 being reserved for privileged services. which means to run any service for above port rage you must be a super user(root).

And port 0 is treated as a "wild card" port.

00. Networking Basics

## ------------------| Loopback Alternatives
ping localhost
ping 127.1
ping 0x7F000001
ping 0x7f01
ping 2130706433
ping ①②⑦.⓪.⓪.⓪
ping 017700000001
ping 0177.0000.0000.0001
ping 00000177.00000000.00000000.00000001
  • IPV 6

## ------------------| Common
fe80::c2d9:184f:9f41:3c8d <==> fe80:0000:0000:0000:c2d9:184f:9f41:3c8d

## ------------------| Subneting
fe80::/10 - Unique Link-Local (169.254.4.x)
## fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
## febf:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff (mask)

fc00::/7 - Unique Local-Unicast (10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x, 192.168.x.x)
## fc00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
## fdff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff (mask)

2000::/3 - Global Unicast
## 3fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff (mask)

FF02::1 - Multicast All Nodes
FF02::2 - Multicast Router Nodes
  • Calculate Link-Local IPV6 Address Using Mac

### Get MAC address
arp -n
arp -n

## Calculate like below 👇👇👇
  • Enumerate Network by ping multicast | atk6-alive6

## ------------------| Manual
# Check arp cash
arp -n
# ip-neighbour
ip -6 neigh
# Ping to multicast
ping6 -I eth0 ff02::1
# Check ip-neighbour again and arp cash
ip -6 neigh
arp -n

## ------------------| atk6-alive6
which atk6-alive6 <-- copy this binary to remote machine
atk6-alive6 <InterfaceName> -e ff02::1
ip -6 neigh
  • ICMP Codes

01. Nmap

if you are using nmap through proxychains use -sT -n (Full TCP scan) flags

  • Nmap debug mode

sudo nmap -d -packet-trace $IP
sudo nmap -sV -sC -A $IP --script-trace
  • Host discovery

sudo nmap -n -Pn -PS -vvv --open -p 22,21,80,443,445,3306 -oN HostDiscovery.nmap      
sudo nmap -n -Pn -PS -vvv --open -p 88,53 -oN DCDiscovery.nmap      
  • Scan all TCP open ports

sudo nmap -n -Pn -vv --open -T4 -p- -oN AllPorts.nmap $IP
  • scan TCP(All) + UDP

sudo nmap -n -Pn -vv --open -T4 -sU -sS -PS -p U:161,500,4500,T:- -oN AllPorts.nmap IP 
  • Get all open port to variable

ports=$(cat AllPorts.nmap | grep '^[0-9]' | cut -d '/' -f 1 | tr '\n' ',' | sed s/,$//)
  • Service scan for only selected open port (using above)

sudo nmap -sV -sC -Pn -oN DetailPorts.nmap -p $ports $IP
  • Optimizing UDP scan

sudo nmap -sUV -T4 -F -vv --version-intensity 0 $IP
  • Fast UDP scan for common ports

sudo nmap -n -Pn -vv --open -sU -F -oN UDPFastPorts.nmap $IP 
sudo nmap -n -Pn -vv --open -sU -p 53,67,69,111,123,135,137,138,161,177,445,500,631,623,1434,1900,4500 -oN UDPBestPorts.nmap $IP            
  • AV / Firewall bypass

## ------------------| Decoys 
sudo nmap -sS -sV -F -D, -oN nmap-decoys.out $IP
sudo nmap -sS -sV -F -D RND:3 -oN nmap.out $IP

## ------------------| MTU
sudo nmap -sS -sV -F --mtu 16 -D -oN nmap-mtu.out $IP

## ------------------| Fragmentation
sudo nmap -f $IP

## ------------------| BadSum
sudo nmap --badsum $IP

## ------------------| Give source ports
sudo nmap -p- -n -Pn -PS -g 88 $IP
sudo nmap -p- -n -Pn -PS -g 20 $IP

## ------------------| Other
sudo nmap -p- -n -Pn -PS $IP
sudo nmap --script firewall-bypass --script-args firewall-bypass.helper="ftp", firewall-bypass.targetport=22 $IP   

 sudo nmap -p- -sS -Pn -n --disable-arp-ping --packet-trace --source-port 53 $IP
  • Common usage

-n	: Never do DNS resolution
-vv	: Extra verbosity
--open	: Output only open ports
-p-	: Full TCP ports range (65535)
-T	: paranoid (0), sneaky (1), polite (2), normal (3), aggressive (4), and insane (5) (Set a timing template)
-T4	: Aggressive (4) speeds scans; assumes you are on a reasonably fast and reliable netwok      
  • Scripting Engine (NSE)

sudo nmap --script-updatedb ## Update script

--script filename|category|directory|expression|all

--script "vuln"
   ## These scripts check for specific known vulnerabilities and generally only report results if they are found

--script "http-*"
   ## Loads all scripts whose name starts with http-, such as http-auth.nse and http-open-proxy.nse.
   ## The argument to --script had to be in quotes to protect the wildcard from the shell./
--script "not intrusive"
   ## Loads every script except for those in the intrusive category.

--script "default or safe"
   ## This is functionally equivalent to nmap --script "default,safe". It loads all scripts that are in
   ## the default category or the safe category or both.

--script "default and safe"
   ## Loads those scripts that are in both the default and safe categories.

--script "(default or safe or intrusive) and not http-*"
   ## Loads scripts in the default, safe, or intrusive categories, except for those whose names start with http-.              
## ------------------| OS Detection, no ping
sudo nmap -Pn -O

## ------------------| def scripts, version check
sudo nmap -sC -sV

## ------------------| above + All ports
sudo nmap -sC -sV -p-

## ------------------| UDP version check
sudo nmap -sU -sV

## ------------------| TCP SYN scan <-- does not log in IDS & IPS 
sudo nmap -T4 -A -v
  • Tune up performance

## ------------------| Timeouts (default --min-RTT-timeout 100ms)
sudo nmap -F --initial-rtt-timeout 50ms --max-rtt-timeout 100ms

## ------------------| Max Retries (default --max-retries 1)
sudo nmap -F --max-retries 0

## ------------------| Rates 
sudo nmap -F --min-rate 300

## ------------------| Timing (default -T 3)
-T 0 or -T paranoid
-T 1 or -T sneaky
-T 2 or -T polite
-T 3 or -T normal
-T 4 or -T aggressive
-T 5 or -T insane
  • If you want to install nmap

## ------------------| Download RPM

## ------------------| Convert it to deb
alien nmap-xxxx.rpm

## ------------------| Install 
dpkg -i nmap-xxxx.deb
  • Pause and Resume an nmap scan

## ------------------| Get PID for nmap
ps -aux | grep nmap 

## ------------------| Pause (but don't halt/reboot)
## ------------------| Resume
###It works with some other processes. If not try to use -SIGSTOP instead of -SIGTSTP.
  • Use nmap static binary with scripts

## ------------------| Download Nmap for 64 bit

02. Hping

## ------------------| Port scan
sudo hping3 --scan 0-65535 -S | more

03. Tcpdump

  • Basic usage | Always use tcpdump with sudo

## ------------------| Basic Flags
-D            # List interface/devices 
-i            # Select interface
-n            # Do not use DNS names
-c 5          # Captures 5 number of packets and then stops
-s            # To change the capture size (-s64 inspect the packet headers only)
-w            # Write the output to file
-r            # Read pcap file
-X            # See the content of the packets in HEX & ASCII format (use -XX to shows the ethernet header)
ip6           # Show only IP6 Traffic
-q            # Be less verbose (more quiet) with your output. / Show less protocol information
-t            # Give human-readable timestamp output.
-tttt         # Give maximally human-readable timestamp output.
-vv           # Verbose output (more v’s gives more output).
-S            # Print absolute sequence numbers.
-e            # Get the ethernet header as well.
-E            # Decrypt IPSEC traffic by providing an encryption key. 

## ------------------| IP/Range 
src           # Source IP address  
dst           # Destination IP address 
net           # Find packets going to or from a particular network or subnet

## ------------------| Ports
port 53         # Capture DNS traffic for both source or destination
src port 53     # Capture DNS traffic for source
dst port 53     # Capture DNS traffic for destination
portrange 21-23 # Find Traffic Using Port Ranges
  • Isolate TCP Flags

Tcp flag is at offset 13 in the TCP header. 
So we can use tcp[13] to filter TCP flags.

| URG | ACK | PSH | RST | SYN | FIN |
| 32  | 16  | 8   | 4   | 2   | 1   |
## ------------------| SYN
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[13] & 2!=0'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-syn'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-syn == tcp-syn'
sudo tcpdump "tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn) != 0"

## ------------------| SYN+ACK
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[13]=18'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn|tcp-ack) == (tcp-syn|tcp-ack)'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-syn == tcp-syn' and 'tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-ack == tcp-ack'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn|tcp-ack) != 0'

## ------------------| ACK
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[13] & 16!=0'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-ack'

## ------------------| PSH
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[13] & 8!=0'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-push'

## ------------------| SYN+RST
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[13] = 6'

## ------------------| FIN
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[13] & 1!=0'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-fin'

## ------------------| RST
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[13] & 4!=0'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-rst'

## ------------------| URG
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[13] & 32!=0'
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-urg'
## --------------------| Show ARP Packets with MAC address
sudo tcpdump -vv -e -nn ether proto 0x0806

## --------------------| Find HTTP User Agents
sudo tcpdump -vvAls0 | grep 'User-Agent:'

## --------------------| Cleartext GET Requests
sudo tcpdump -vvAls0 | grep 'GET'

## --------------------| Find HTTP Host Headers
sudo tcpdump -vvAls0 | grep 'Host:'

## --------------------| Find HTTP Cookies
sudo tcpdump -vvAls0 | grep 'Set-Cookie|Host:|Cookie:'

## --------------------| Find SSH Connections
sudo tcpdump 'tcp[(tcp[12]>>2):4] = 0x5353482D'

## --------------------| Find DNS Traffic
sudo tcpdump -vvAs0 port 53

## --------------------| Find FTP Traffic
sudo tcpdump -vvAs0 port ftp or ftp-data

## --------------------| Find NTP Traffic
sudo tcpdump -vvAs0 port 123

## --------------------| Find Cleartext Passwords
sudo tcpdump port http or port ftp or port smtp or port imap or port pop3 or port telnet -lA | egrep -i -B5 'pass=|pwd=|log=|login=|user=|username=|pw=|passw=|passwd= |password=|pass:|user:|username:|password:|login:|pass |user '   

## --------------------| Find Traffic With Evil Bit
sudo tcpdump 'ip[6] & 128 != 0'

04. Other

  • Port scan using netcat

### If you run nmap scan in brackground, never run this! this will effect to the nmap scan results      
for i in {1..65535};do (nc -zvn -w 1 <IP> $i 2>&1 | grep -v -i "Connection timed out\|Connection refused"); done          
  • Scan live hosts using bash



for i in $(seq 2 255);
    ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip.$i 1>/dev/null 2>&1
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];
        echo "[+]  $ip.$i  - is Alive!"

#### One linner 
for i in {1..254}; do (ping -c 1 172.18.0.${i} | grep "bytes from" | grep -v "Unreachable" &); done;     
  • Scan live ports using bash


## Run this script like ./ 2>/dev/null 


for port in $(seq 1 65535);
    echo 1 > /dev/tcp/$ip/$port 1>/dev/null 2>&1
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];
        echo "[+]  $ip : $port  - is Open!"

## Run this script like ./ 2>/dev/null 


for port in $(seq 1 65535);
    timeout .1 bash -c "echo  > /dev/tcp/$ip/$port" &&
        echo "[+]  $ip : $port  - is Open!"
echo "==========[ Finished ]============"

05. Advance

05.1 Send packet [python]

import socket

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW)
s.bind(("eth0", 0))

ethernet  = b'\x00\x0c\x29\xd3\xbe\xd6' # MAC Address Destination
ethernet += b'\x00\x0c\x29\xe0\xc4\xaf' # MAC Address Source
ethernet += b'\x08\x00'                 # Protocol-Type: IPv4

ip_header  = b'\x45\x00\x00\x28'  # Version, IHL, Type of Service | Total Length
ip_header += b'\xab\xcd\x00\x00'  # Identification | Flags, Fragment Offset
ip_header += b'\x40\x06\xa6\xec'  # TTL, Protocol | Header Checksum
ip_header += b'\x0a\x0a\x0a\x02'  # Source Address
ip_header += b'\x0a\x0a\x0a\x01'  # Destination Address

tcp_header  = b'\x30\x39\x00\x50' # Source Port | Destination Port
tcp_header += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' # Sequence Number
tcp_header += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' # Acknowledgement Number
tcp_header += b'\x50\x02\x71\x10' # Data Offset, Reserved, Flags | Window Size
tcp_header += b'\xe6\x32\x00\x00' # Checksum | Urgent Pointer

packet = ethernet + ip_header + tcp_header

05.2 Wireshark

  • Create NTML hash using wireshark

## --------------------| Setup
use filter as "smb2"

## --------------------| NTLM hash structure

05.3 Zeek

## --------------------| Setup
sudo apt-get install zeek

## --------------------| Read pcap file
zeek -Cr file.pcap

## --------------------| Read outputs
less -S conn.log
grep <uid> http.log
cat http.log | zeek-cut uri | sort | uniq -c
cat http.log | zeek-cut id.org_h uri host 

Last updated